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Sudri quests

Aug 12, 2011
Currently, Sudri gives two quests.
1. Get the apples
2. Test my word
(yes, I know these aren't actually the quest names)

When you complete the second quest, you get his seal. But the entire second quest was to test his word to see if he would keep his promise to give you the seal. This is silly. From a "real" standpoint, Sudri could just give me the seal after the first quest. Instead, I would like KingsIsle to switch the order of the quests. First we test his word, then we get the apples, then he gives us the seal.

Also, once you complete the quests and get the seal, if you talk to Sudri again, he acts like the second quest is still active. Please fix this so that he repeats the part about going to his last brother.