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Spell writing

Oct 16, 2013
I know this is a hot topic with Wizard and has been for awhile with the mess that is spellements. I am here to give my two cents about possible changes to possibly help the system. I would like to also state that Kingsisle would never make these changes as they would lose a large amount of money but it's nice to imagine. I would like to see an overhaul of the spell writing system and ditch spellements. Instead I think it should make progress towards upgrading spells by using them lots. Spells would level up once you've either surpassed a certain amount of healing, fellow wizards revived, damage dealt, enemies eliminated, or health drained (death). This way the spells you use most often would get leveled up faster than others and become better. Also I would like to see spell writing come to all damage dealing spells/healing spells or at least the main spells you earn up to the karamelle shadow spells. When I heard of spell writing coming to Wizard having a difference of 20 damage between the first and final tier is not exactly what came to mind. I think we should be able to do more drastic things with spell writing. For example, adding shadow magic to a thunder snake or I for one would kill to see a shadow scarecrow. Shadow infused spells would need to come with serious drawbacks (maybe a certain amount of health is taken on cast) to keep them from being crazy overpowered. At the point we are in wizard I miss using my old spells that I thought were so cool growing, I still remember when I got vampire for the first time and I thought it was the strongest thing ever. I am not in the PvP scene so I don't know how this would effect it but I am well aware of how this may break it so possibly make this non-pvp if it got out of hand. One final note, once you've put multiple copies of a spell in your deck you should be able to inspect them and choose different spell writing paths for different copies of spells in your deck (this would actually make sense if more drastic changes were made for example a shadow scarecrow which does a mass health drain but takes health on cast and a scarecrow which has lost its drain ability and does more damage). This also means that you can level spells into multiple paths and once you've unlocked them all you can simply pick and choose at will.

What do you guys think about these changes? How do you guys wish Kingsisle did spell writing differently?