I feel the spellbook should have a section, SOMEWHERE that shows what our gardening levelis, when we're not in our homes. Right now, unless i'm mistaken, the ONLY way to find out is to go to your home, then open up the gardening interface. And then you have to either mark your location and port back, or go to your classroom and re-enter the game. Now, I KNOW that people will say, "but you dont need to know that unless you're gardening", but that's not true. I like to be able to know what ALL of my levels are; gardening, pet training, character, etc and this is the only level we can NOT find unless we're in the specific area where you perform the action. All it would really take is a slight addition to the Character Screen (pressing C). Where it says Experience, you simple add a second level to it, by doing something like this (an example only):
Character 2,304,405 / 2,500,000
Gardening 68,980 / 390,625 (14)
In this case, we get our character's experience plus our gardening experience and level in an easy to find location. Now, this may not be the best way to do it, and that's fine, but it should get the conversation going and I feel that, while minor, it would help enhance the experience
Seems useful, and I can't see how this hurts anything. It's insufficient to have to go looking through 30 pages of badges to figure out what level you last attained, and that badge doesn't tell you in useful terms how much gardening xp you have.
and now that there is fishing, the same thing applies to that. We have to get to a fishing area and go into the fishing interface before we can see what our level is.