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some suggestions for the game

Jun 30, 2014
I don't wanna be a pain in here, but I have some questions..
First off, why do i have to do the whole dungeon just to farm one boss. is there anyway to put like a portal or something to go to the main boss to farm them instead of doing the whole dungeon?
And could you please fix the drop rates? it takes forever to get gear when i farm and i get frustrated with it.
also, in pet training, i run out of energy kinda fast.. can we get more energy for training pets? or lower the requirements to get mega or the different levels or something?

Mar 20, 2020
Ok... so this game is not supposed to be a walk through the park. It is supposed to be challenging and being able to immediately jump to a boss would almost defeat the purpose of the hard work its supposed to take to get good gear in the game. Same with drop rates. Gear can be so good that it would make no sense for there to be a high drop rate because you have to work for it. Thats where the fun is. Thats why the term farming exists because you gotta work hard to get what you want in this game. same with the energy problem and training pets. You got to work for it. This game was not designed to be easy and having everything handed to you would make it no fun. I would recommend to enjoy the process and don't worry about how long it takes.