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Some minor quirks with TC crafting

May 31, 2010
I have been working recently on getting all the crafting recipes sorted onto google sheets. This week I am completing all the Treasure card recipes , For the most part , it seems to be on target with cost/crafting level/ with a few little things that should be changed.
Other than crafting TC from your school that have recipes that want TC from other schools , there is one even larger crafting issue I see.
In the storm school Treasure cards , you need a tempest TC in order to be able to craft Stormzilla or the Windstorm card. Problem is , you can not craft tempest , or buy it .. You can only get it from farming certain bosses who drop it . The other schools are not going to have this much difficulty when crafting treasure cards , why lay it on storm school ?

I understand there have been complaints about using treasure cards from not you school in the PVP area. Which I agree it can give an unfair advantage. So maybe some treasure cards have been removed because of this ? Here a few suggestion imo , that I think might help make everyone happy .

Just don't allow Treasure cards to be cast during PVP matches, that would solve one complaint , or maybe only allow players to cast treasure cards that are from their school?

Those players who are interested in crafting furniture , castles , etc , maybe only have a reagent list in the recipe , no treasure cards. This would solve the trading of Treasure card dilemma that people face when needing cards from other schools ,Just for people who just want the cards for crafting and not for dueling. *shrugs* Its not as challenging , but it does solve one headache

At the very least , on crafting card recipes for your school , have it ask for other treasure cards that you CAN craft ,or easily purchase, and not have to spend hours farming a boss for a dropped Treasure card.

Not all schools are asking for TC that can not be bought or traded. Ice school for example has only one TC that needs a card from another school in order to be crafted , the fire cat card , and that one can be cheaply bought. Why give the storm school more grief than the others ?

Just my opinion , not worth much , but thought it needed to be said.
Thanks .