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Shields and other cool weapons

Dec 17, 2009
I was farming Rattlebones for the myth sprite recently and I happened to glance at the shield that he holds and idly thought to myself, "he has a cool looking shield, I'dlike to have one". And you know the burglers from Marleybone? The little daggers they hold? I've always thought those might be the most awesome things to have for people with ninja-like characters/clothes.

I'm not sure how hard it is to put in the animations for different weapons as opposed to simply changing skins, but I think it'd be cool to see more weapon types with different animations in Wiz101, and allow characters to have shield-like items. If they were just for decoration that would be cool enough, since I'd hate for everyone to feel like it was mandatory to equip a shield anyhow.

Just a passing thought....

Jun 09, 2009
I count this as thread number 6 suggesting shields as items this month.