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Feb 15, 2009
Remember how they came out with infection and stuff to weaken heals? well now I think they ought to bring something that can weaken a shields power by like half because there some people in pvp who act kinda like turtles and hide in their shield shells until the opponent runs out of cards or gives up I know they have earthquake but its not good enough its to many pips unless your myth and who wants to spend 9 training points on it when thye need other things to I think like balance or fire since fire is opposite of ice should get another bubble, or global spell that is -50% all wards including traps and maybe someone else can get one that weakens blades

Jun 14, 2009
Why do people want everything so easy? If that is the case, than why play? If people are hiding behind their shields than come up with a new stradegy to defeat them. Use the skills that you have learned to defeat them. Look in your deck and see what you have that can help over power the hands. If you put enough traps down, you still can do much damage. Make sure you have the best possible gear on. There are many ways to get around shields.

Feb 14, 2009
There are offensive and defensive schools. Weakening the defensive would create disorder in the game