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Self training

Feb 24, 2009
Really short version at the bottom. (TL;DR (To long; didn't read))

Obviously, our wizards have been growing continuously to the point of fighting "the strongest force in the spiral" as of level 90. Also, KI probably has the "Morganthe Arc" already figured out, they are just working on it, (The actual enemeis, drops, quests, etc. They have the plot figured out), and probably are still adjusting the plot of the 3rd arc, assuming that it will come out.

I was considering to myself, "Hey, why are we always the ones that go after all the terrorists and enemies and whatnot? Why not the teachers, considering they should be a force to be reckoned with. Ambrose is lazy though, we already settled that." (Love you ambrose :D)

So what I am recommending is that at the end of the 3rd arc, the teachers finally determine you have graduated from the Ravenwood School of Magical Arts, and you are moving on to learn through yourself.

However, who would give school quests? Some area in the spiral, (To be determined.. :3) "Stellar University of Wizardly Means 102." Who would teach? Previous mentors with thousands of years of experience, from the early years of the spiral. This "college" would be much more extreme than Ravenwood. They would send you to things far beyond your strength, and the Headmaster would be Ambrose, as he founded this area, as well as ravenwood. (Even though he built it far later.)

You may be asking, "what does this have to do with Self training?"
You wouldn't be taking orders from Ambrose anymore, you would be finding the spiral keys yourself, searching all over, vacant buildings, and working at world's by yourself without answering anyone.

1. Graduate from Ravenwood School of Magical Arts after 3rd arc.
2. Move on to Stellar University of Wizardly Means 102
3. Don't take orders from Ambrose anymore.

Thanks for reading! :P