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Secondary School points

Jul 02, 2009
There appears to be a "problem" with the secondary school idea. The problem is the lack of secondary school points. Are people being given a "free" reset at 50 to take advantage of the new schools?

I checked on my life student and a reset of his ponts costs 4700 crowns. I have 2 unspent points from the Zeke quests... but there are three "new" secondary schools. The new schools aren't available until 50. People are encouraged to spend their limited points in the 6 normal non class schools in the beginning ofthe game.

Where are they supposed to get the points for these new spells? There needs to be more quests to gain the secondary points people need to enjoy the new schools or make the points available some other "non crown" way.. Selling them for a large sum of gold each might even be a solution like gardening.

Dec 01, 2010
Instead of complaining about an issue you face and wish for them to change for you.

How about let us all think of ways that we think KI can resolve this issue that a large number of players are facing.

The way I see it is when you make a new Character you have 2 choices. Do not spend any points until level 50+ or spend them to assist with leveling faster then spend real money for a reset.

Keep in mind you do get a handful of points through Celestia quests. Please post ideas below on How you think KI can fix this.

My solution would be to add a Celestia quest that will refund (X) amount of points. or reset them all. This will help limit it to a one time reset.

May 13, 2010
Ok well call me harsh but, I say make them keep paying to reset the pionts KI cause as I progressed through Celestia it became painfully evident that if you were reseting your pionts and learning only the higher up spells problems occur. Problems such as not being adequately equipped to stay alive if some one enters your fight(which as we well know gets complianed alot about here) it also will make Celestia harder than it already is. I also believe this to be why so many players are having trouble getting through Celestia solo as they are no longer equipped with spells that have lower pip costs. This is why you were warned to spend the points wisely not warned that it would cost real money to buy those points back. I choose wisely and never rest my points other than the free reset at the onset of lvl 23 (I think?) and I made it through Celestia alone as well as trained some of the new schools spells four of them to be exact. Pick a seondary school and stick with it stop trying to reset every time someting you think is better comes along. The problem is not how Ki has the game set up the problem is that to many people want to keep changing there secondary school over and over. Try alittle forethought and see the wonders that befall you, think only for the moment and you will be left between the rock and the hard place.

Kane Nightwraith/ Legendary Sorcerer

Jul 02, 2009
First off I was not complaining. I was noting for the record that there is a legitimate problem with the system. My characters are all 50 and they were all before the expansion came out. I worked many months to build them when Malistaire was the main enemy and designed them to be survivable. A lot of people did and I don't think that it is right that KI charge a large amount of money to reset the points. Remember the pre-expansion people had only those schools to spend their points. Making me a bad guy for seeing a problem and addressing it serves no purpose. I chose carefully and was not a jerk.