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school of mystery?

Jun 18, 2012
I think KI should add a school of mystery.

most spells would be chests that include any spell that is equal to the number of pips the chest spell costs. the fizzle rate depends on the random spell set before the chest bursts open. here are my chest ideas.

package: random 1 pip spell
wooden chest: random 2 pip spell
bronze chest: random 3 pip spell
silver chest: random 4 pip spell
gold chest: random 6 pip spell

its own school in attack however, is weaker than life. for example a mystery spell that is 4 pips would have a damage range of a 3 pip spell in myth, so a one pip mystery spell would do the damage of a wand, due to the fact that mystery is graceful with the ability to attack a random spell, depending on the chest. chests work up their way in value, from paper/cardboard, to gold. however, blades, traps, and shields are the same as normal. also the fizzle rate is 75%. here are my attack ideas

porcupine: pips 1, attack strength 45- 65, fizzle 75, school mystery. porcupine crawls through dirt and pops up at target
shadowy figure: pips 6, attack strength 245- 315, fizzle 75, school mystery. hooded figure in black reaches out and releases large green orbs, similar to the death spell wrath. to all enemies.

mystery wizards have a medium status of health and mana. I would like to add more spell ideas so plz leave suggestions and I would also like to hear what you think of my idea

Brittany rose lvl 46, ice, the crucible

Feb 06, 2010
Too much like balance. It takes spells from other schools. Plus myth would need to inherit this school in a way weird way. It's just an exaggerated version of balance.