There should be a realm called "Smugglermania"! The enemies are like dog robbers with the robber clothes and ski mask. They will be called `Smuggler Dog` There will be other smuggler animals with the same clothing and there called Smuggler (animal type). There all rank 5. Only level 25 people and higher can go there. There will be bosses of course. They will be called Dog Boss, Cat Boss, Horse Boss, and the final boss: Smuggler Leader. The Dog Boss, Cat Boss, and Horse Boss get a total of 900 health. The Smuggler Leader will 2,00 health. Dog Boss, Cat Boss, and Horse Boss are rank 7. Smuggler leader will be rank 10. The realm will be made up of seeing robberies in banks, EMPTY streets, and people who are held hostage with quests. One quest is untieing them.