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Reach the Sky!

Jan 25, 2010
You press space. You jump! But you jump over what?

I think Wizard101 should add a new feature: Jumping. Marleybone has tins and plastic all over the rooftops. Maybe instead of going around them you can jump over! And on mounts, that jump high, they can jump over bigger objects like crates!

Please, KI, add jumping! There is no point in the space if you cant jump!
Brianna - Wildblood and Seablood.

Jun 09, 2009
May 28, 2009
Yes, I like this. Maybe we should have jump spells like in a quest, theres a huge hole, and you need to complete some quest to learn sky jump or flash jump (Jumping and boom, big flying jump) It can cost mana but like this, you get to the other way. This can be added if KI decide to create a sky world. And if we fall, it deal 50 damage and we return to the place we jumped. It can be useful in DragonSpyre too.

Jul 10, 2009
Way back when when you didn't jump so high it made sence that you couldn't jump over stuff but, now when you can jump so high and with mounts you should be able to jump over stuff. However I think that jumping quests are
a stupid idea (no offesnce). Still it would'nt hurt to put a hole here or there.

P.s. there could also be a jumping minigame