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Rank 10 spell idea

Dec 31, 2010
I have a pretty good idea for the rank 10 death spell:

Crypt Spider
900 drain damage and convert half to heal and stun 1 round to all enemies.

"A tomb laced in cobwebs rises out of the ground. Screen zooms inside and 3 pairs of red eyes open one pair at a time. Screen shudders and tomb explodes. Giant spider appears, lots of tiny spiders escape from a mound of web behind the giant spider. Spider rears back and strikes enemy, it pulls back because its fangs are still embedded. Blue energy runs up the string connecting the spider and its fangs. Spider turns to caster and spits a giant ball of blue energy onto the caster. Spider turns to opponent, raises its abdomen and squirts silk onto the opponent and spins it around the enemy while little spiders scurry towards the foe. Then stun" ( to all enemies )

Sorry if this is long. Please tell me your opinion.

See you in the spiral!
Sincerely, Jeffrey Spirithunter
lvl 70 Necromancer
"Is it irrelevant to fear death?"