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PVP Level range (why is there no level range for 70's?)

May 11, 2009
i don't understand this level range system that is added cause it cuts off the people who wanna pvp in the 70's and 80's and even the 20's and 30's Even 11-19 same with 1-10

all of these missing level ranges can be added near the pvp arena spots? you guys have a complete empty space on the right side when you go to pvp. and only one spot of pvp on the left side? there is defiantly room to use?

and these level ranges aren't my own issue honestly. My problem i'm stating is there is no level 70-80 range pvp at all and it's completely ruined my pvp character i had in that level range that i worked so hard for. now it's a waste of time and worthless to pvp on a pvp character i made in that level now i have to level up very high to even get to do pvp unless i do tournaments which take time another waste of time used. i just don't get why not add these level ranges when you can easily do it and makes pvp more playable and accessible to players who wanna pvp at these levels instead, specially low level pvp. Low level pvp was big back then and here and there and you just kill it? it's like you wanna remove content that players enjoyed and was doing? i don't get it