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Please enable pets to become stitched

Aug 21, 2009
Okay, so you have the pet type you always wanted but the abilities are definately not the ones you would have chosen, you don't want to mix the pet with another, you just want the pet to be reset and have a chance at better abilities. You have multiple pets, and it would be nice if you could stitch pets so as to restart the kind of pet you wanted over again. Again, with stitching, both pets would disappear from inventory and only one pet would would be left and would be as a baby once more at the cost of 100 crowns (if you have expensive crown pets with messed up abilities, you should be given a chance to cheaply reset your pet). So can we please add pets to stitching (I'd personally be likely to buy more crowns until I got close to what I wanted it, so it should add a bit of revenue to wizard101 if it were done).

lol... well two options...
1. stitched, which allows pets to be turned into the other and keep the stats and points/rank of the one chosen.
2. rebirthed, which allows a pet to be reset to a new born pet of the same type.