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Please Buff Storm's Merciless Gear

Jun 17, 2012
Storm is supposed to be the "critical school", but the Merciless Storm Set is underwhelming. Nothing sets Storm's Merciless stats apart from other schools. The critical? Due to the current critical multiplier formula, the critical multipliers are barely any different, DESPITE the 200 critical rating difference.

Storm needs to be compensated with critical worthy of the title of "critical school". Make the gear straight up give 1000 Critical total. Let them achieve the upper band of the "intended" critical multipliers of PvP. Normalize Storm being at the 1.38-1.40x range.

There is a reason to justify this request. In PvP, Storm is beyond mediocre when played the way it is intended. We are supposed to hit hard and fast, right? So why is a double buffed Storm shadow spell doing a 1/4-1/3 of an opponent's health on a clean, wide-open hit (without shrike), while they get to eviscerate my health by 1/2 off a single buffed hit? Shouldn't I be rewarded for being able to get a *theoretically* better hit than them? Is the intended design for Storm to wait until they have a clean hit AND the opponent can't trade back, whilst they get chipped down to half health, enabling a one-shot kill anyway?

The point is, let Storm hit proportionally hard, since they are one of the two schools (Merciless Fire needs a buff too) who have to sacrifice accuracy AND pip chance with the new gear sets.