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Please: add more "outsides" to Fire House!

Feb 20, 2010
My daughter (Fire School) was very excited to buy her Fire School house in the crown shop. She has already run out of room. I know, I know, buyer beware, but she doesn't want some other house that is not her school so there really isn't much other choice. She really likes the house in most ways, but just has no room "outside" for most of the furniture she has acquired. Those ledges are just too narrow.

Worse, her sister (Ice School - of course, opposites!) got her Ice House and that house has TONS of room outdoors.

They both spent crowns, so it's not like we're being cheap here. If there is any way to add more "out door space" to the Fire House, my daughter would be overjoyed! (And she'd be asking me for the crowns to buy more to put into it.)


Aug 10, 2009
Yeah, it would be nice to have more outside and inside room too.
But what would be realy nice is if the fire house would be more dragon themed, because the dragons where the ones who came up with pyromancy.