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Pets and traits

May 31, 2009
At first when my pet got the trait that it may cast a Blade I thought that would be nice. I have watched and to be honest, when my pet cast a blade is when the fight is ended. This in no way benefits me at all. If it happen every once in a while it might be ok but I have yet to see the pet cast a blade DURRING the fight. It would be nice if it was cast at the rate the sprite healing spell is cast.
I have been playing for some time now maybe a year or two with my pets that may cast a blade, and I have never had them cast one during the fight. this trait is going to bottom of my list as a trait you want a pet to have.
I remember when pets first came out with traits, or leveling, back then the game said the pets would give us power, so far the only power I have seen is healing. The school pets long ago gave pips, now they give accuracy which is good, they also give damage which is good, they do have traits that are good but it is the time it takes to get a pet to show these traits. In future if they show "may cast" I will look at it as useless unless it is healing.
Also due to all the maintence of game adding on the Imortal realm, my garden plants all died on all my wizards, some I just deleted the plots and plants some I left the dead plants to remind me of how much work went into it with no benefit. Game needs to fix Gardening before I will get back into it.