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Partial solution to unwanted items from packs

Mar 19, 2011
Most of us have purchased packs in hopes of getting an item or a spell. You sometimes don't get what you want on the first try. Or the second try, or the third...

Usually I am okay with that. I was able to get a two full sets of Jade gear in a reasonable number of tries without spending too much money.

Then Loremaster got nerfed. That puts Balance in a difficult position for PvP--unless the Balance wizard has the Ninja Piglets spell. It is a really hard spell to get.

So I have been buying Wysteria Lore packs in order to hopefully the spell itself or at least get the TC, so I can craft the spell.

I bought so many packs that I couldn't buy any more because my backpack was full. Then my character inventory was full, so I had to go around looking for stray pets and decorations to trash.

It would be helpful if there were a menu where I could specify "Everything but Ninja Piglets TC go directly to trash."