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Offline messages in game?

Nov 11, 2010
So I have been playing since Mid 2010 and one thing I have enjoyed watching the game grow and seeing all the new updates being added.
One thing that I would really love to see and have added as a feature is to message people when they are offline so that they get the message when they login. (yes we still obviously have the same chat restrictions as what our accounts do.
If you have a locked chat then you have pre determined chat messages.
If you have the limited chat then you need to ensure you meet these conditions
If you have the fully unlocked chat that allows you to talk openly (for the most part),

then you should be able to do the same with offline messaging.

I am asking this because I set my characters to -spin solo when I am AFK for a period of time. When this happens sometimes I come back and realise I have missed playing with a friend because I wasn't able to respond.
Being in different time zones it can be hard to catch up with friends that you don't get to play with as often anymore and I would love to be able to arrange a time to play with them.

Another option could be to allow the accounts we login with to have profiles and add friends, some other games I have played have a basic profile that shows your characters and your achievements in the game, gives you a friends list and your profile allows messages to be added to there message board along with private messages.

I would like to know if this could ever be an option as I think it is something that could change the entire way we connect as a community.

Oct 09, 2018
I love this idea also i was talking with a friend and they think it is also a good idea. as my friend works nights this way we can still ketchup and not have to stay up.