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New world- choose your side!

Aug 05, 2009
So basically after celestia a world is in trouble because of a fight between the insect people and the animal people, you get to choose your side. Each side has different schools animals are storm and insects our ice. Sometimes they will give you a new spell for a really hard quest or aa training point. You can also win things like crowns and other abnormal things fram bosses there. The health of street enemies ranges from 1,700 to 2,500. The boss health ranges from 9,100 to 20,000. You also win ike minions you can use in battle for free and there will be a button that says Ready to summon! they start at level 10 and you can level them up from xp from battles except they need like 100- 5000 xp to gain a lvl (11 needs 100 50 need 5000)

Hope ya like plz feedback