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New Transmute Recipes

Jan 11, 2012
This is a low level addition. I know these are available to buy, quite easily, but these would make for some nice additions to the transmuting aspect. All of these recipes should be available to buy, and cost 15 or 20 of the lower reagent to make the better one:

Amber Dust --> Amber**
Amethyst --> Perfect Amethyst
Citrine --> Perfect Citrine
Jade --> Perfect Jade
Onyx --> Perfect Onyx
Peridot --> Perfect Peridot
Ruby --> Perfect Ruby
Sapphire --> Perfect Sapphire

**I know that with Aquila, getting Amber is much easier, but I feel this should be a straight shot of one ingredient to one ingredient. Requiring Merle’s Whisker, Amber Dust, and Sunstone, in order to transmute Amber, makes no sense other than to deliberately keep this Reagent extremely rare (which Aquila actually messed up [keeping it extremely rare]). What would be wrong with requiring Transmute Amber to use 100 Amber Dust? It would make it easier to transmute, but not too easy. Sure, with Aquila and such, more monsters drop Amber Dust, but it’s still not a common drop. Merle's Whisker actually has NO need other than Transmute Amber.