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New Storm World

Jul 26, 2009
I was thinking that there should be a storm themed world. It would be a world covered with water everywhere, with many small islands with a few larger islands. I was thinking this world could be the location of the storm themed house. There are many creatures there, including lightning bats, krakens, storm sharks, stormzillas (on the larger islands,) and the world would constantly have storm clouds over it. The story could be that, a long time ago, people from wizard city moved there, made houses on some of the islands, and befriended the fish creatures that lived there. In the game, to get to this world, it would be similar to how you get to Grizzleheim. In Triton Avenue, as soon as you go in, there's a fish person there, and if you talk to him he tells you about this world. He takes you there to see it, but he says you must be more experienced to go there, as it is very dangerous. Once your more experienced, (level 25) you can go back and do quests there, buy clothes there (like pirate sort of clothes, or maybe diver clothes or something) buy houses there (like you buy an island and there are a couple different choices of house,) or buy wands there (the wands would be like tridents, or maybe boat oars or something)

Well, tell me what you think, if you like it or you don't like it and why, something to add, something to remove, anything.

Dec 12, 2008