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New spell/enemy idea

Jun 20, 2009
I have an idea for a new life spell/enemy. I think you should make a caterpillar enemy, and their spells should be a tree that grows with a somewhat oversized cocoon on a branch. The cocoon should wriggle a bit then sort of disintegrate to reveal a butterfly. (since it's life, i think it should be a beautiful one, but you could make it dark and scary if you want, or you could just make its eyes freaky and leave the rest of it pretty) I haven't quite figured out how a butterfly could do damage to anyone, but maybe the wind from it's wings could do it, or it's little curled up tongue could snap the player, or something... I bet the Wizard 101 team could figure something creative out :D Also, the caterpillar would make an awesome pet, as long as we're able to paint the design on it's skin whatever colors we want. 8) I haven't quite figured out all of the details yet, but I think this would be very cool! Thanks for hearing me out! :D