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New spell ideas

A+ Student
Mar 02, 2010
My spell ideas were all mixed up such as 1 school got attacks, then the others get buffs, well now I'll focus on just 2 things. I'll try my best to make 2 spells for each school, and I'll try to solve each school's problems, here I go:

Storm: Static- 250+350 Storm damage on 1 enemy. Accuracy 70%, pip cost 5.
The animation could be the wizard getting electricuted or something showing their skeleton??? I can't think of anything for that one.
Wild Volt- 15-35% Storm blade. Accuracy 100%, pip cost 1.
Fire: Hot Potato- 30+630 Fire damage on 1 enemy. Accuracy 75%, pip cost 5.
The animation would be an evil potato on fire jumps from the ground with lava all over its legs and then it makes an evil potato laugh and tackles the wizard. (Almost like Fire Elf)
One for all and all fire one- +25% blade on self for each surviving team member. Accuracy 100%, pip cost 1
Ice: That's not nice!- 450 Ice damage to all enemies. Accuracy 80%, pip cost 5
Animation could be a few angry steam stuff that you see in cartoons when the characters are mad show above the Ice wizard's head, and then icicles fly all over and hit the enemies.
Something to slice- +45% Ice blade. Accuracy 100%, pip cost 1.
Myth: Grumpy Ol' Troll- 125+375 to all enemies.
A huge troll the size of a cyclops grabs a huge hammer almost twice his size and pounds the enemy. Accuracy 80%, pip cost 5.
Fairy Tail- The same animation of Pixie, but heals 700 to self only. Accuracy 80% (Because healing isn't Myth's medium), pip cost 3.
Death: Haunting Spirits- 150 damage each round on each enemy for 3 rounds, drain half health. Accuracy 85%, pip cost 5.
Animation could be a 4 Lost Souls coming and flying, and then make the famous ghostly oooooooh sound on each enemy while swirling around them.
Dark Feint- +70% Death Blade, +70% Death Trap on self (Spell on self only). Accuracy 100%, pip cost 2.
Life: Wild Side- 50+350 damage on 1 enemy. Accuracy 90%, pip cost 5.
The animation could be a bunch of heckhounds, treants, burning pixies, and other nature animals ambushing a wizard.
It's alive!- Heal 65+125 to all team members (HoT comes for even defeated team members). Accuracy 100% (Because it isn't too good but still very useful) pip cost 1.
Balance: Order in the Court!- 75 damage per white pip, 150 damage per power pip. (For those wizards that get white pips) Rank X, accuracy 85%.
The animation would be the exact same as judgement except with the jury hammer.

So, how do you like my ideas? Negative comments are accepted, I don't cry