School: ?? Pip cost: ?? Accuracy: 100% Effect: Changes which side of the duel circle goes first in a turn.
I'd like to discuss the specific details of the spell, but the general idea is the same: if you're tired of going second, use this spell and you'll go first.
How long should it last? How many pips should it take? What school(s) should have this spell? Should it be allowed in PVP?
School: ?? Pip cost: ?? Accuracy: 100% Effect: Changes which side of the duel circle goes first in a turn.
I'd like to discuss the specific details of the spell, but the general idea is the same: if you're tired of going second, use this spell and you'll go first.
How long should it last? How many pips should it take? What school(s) should have this spell? Should it be allowed in PVP?
I think it is a really neat idea! I'm sorta stumped about which school though... maybe Time? (this is l0bster's idea, so it hasn't come out yet) Time is like this: you can restart a duel were both you and your enemy have full health and mana (3 pips) you can redo your turn, stuff like that. I don't believe it should be allowed in PvP, and i think that every school should have access to Time. Help from other message boarders would be appreciated. lol
Thanks for your feedback guys. Actually, I hadn't considered "going first" as a battle statistic, but I guess it could be. Battle initiative rating, maybe? Or luck rating? As long as one school (e.g., Ice) didn't dominate this statistic then I think that could work.
Originally, I was just thinking Seize could be an X rank spell (takes all pips). That way, no one could use it in a huge Rank 8 combo attack. I also thought it could just last the duration of the duel, but maybe giving the casting player 6 rounds of "first" might be nice too.
"Going first" continues to be a major factor many PVPers cite in winning and losing. This spell puts more control back into the hands of players rather than on a random coin-toss decision.