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New Mount for Upcoming Halloween/Christmas

May 03, 2009
Its inspired by the Nightmare mount. Would love it if KI would create a new mount for Halloween that has 2 or 4 ghost Pegasus pulling a ghost carriage (the entire mount would be translucent), would be cool if it was a 2 or more person mount. And if it would fly high up like the raven mounts but when the wizard stops moving the flying carriage lands and parks on the ground.

I thought of this last Christmas too when the moose mount came out thought KI most likely made a Santa reign deer Sleigh 2 person mount too. Would be cool if they did for this coming Christmas.

Dec 02, 2010
Those...aren't bad ideas! I like 'em! If KI really were to put those in the game, I wouldn't be surprised if they made them into a three- or even four-person mount!