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New "LOWER LEVEL" spells and new Special pets

Nov 02, 2011
Hey us wizards who are not the best level want some new spell action to. I'm not Sayin like new level 8 spells I'm thinking like level 30-40. I mean it's not that big of a deal considering all of the new spells that ki put for the level 70s-80s. I am just thinking out side the box.

Now the new special pet Ideas. I am actually pretty surprised that I am the first one to come up with this. So you know how there are wands that look like daggers blades etc. And they allow the wizard to attack at close range rather than a beam of a spell. Well maybe pets could do the same thing. Here is an example of what I am saying.

Here is a hypothetical situation. You have for example a forest beast. It gives you life blade but you have no use for it cuz u r say balance. You don't want your pets move to go to waist. So some pets have a natural attack where they attack the foe at close range. Ki just plz consider this. 

Jan 03, 2011
daniel813n wrote:
Hey us wizards who are not the best level want some new spell action to. I'm not Sayin like new level 8 spells I'm thinking like level 30-40. I mean it's not that big of a deal considering all of the new spells that ki put for the level 70s-80s. I am just thinking out side the box.

Um i am pretty sure lower level wiz gets spells too lol. have you visited your school trainer? haven't you gotten a spell as a reward for completing a world? or gotten a quest that leads to a spell?
level 30-40 specifically get a rank 5 (usually) spell from their professor. at lvl 35, a utility spell in grizzleheim; and a quest from their trainer too i believe. need more than that?

lower levels are not getting more spells because theirs are already existing. higher levels don't have a trainer with high ranked spells. so when new worlds are introduced, new spells come with it, probably giving the appearance that higher levels are being favored lol.