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New Dragonspyre Quest Idea

Apr 05, 2010
I like being able to see a little of Dragonspyre before the Invasion of the Titan army in the Grand Chasm. I think it would be cool to be able to use the time crystal in the grand chasm to travel back and see the Dragonspyre Wizard's Academy in all its former glory. To start the quest, Ambrose could summon you to his office and say that he has a project that he needs some help with. He needs the help of a professor, but hasn't been seen since the invasion of the titan army. After going through the portal there is a student studying the crystal who offers to help you teleport to the academy and tells you where to find the professor. After talking to the professor he tells you he needs you to gather a sample in the crystal grove. In the grove to gather the sample, you have to through a tower to gather the sample. After getting the sample you talk to the professor again. After talking to the professor you need to go see Ambrose. Ambrose thanks you for your effort and gives you some reward.
It might even be cool if you could visit some other school professors and learn a new school spell. Just an idea I think would be cool.