I am a player of wizards101 and I would like you to make a new bundle called the warriors bundle. It has some very cool qualities like the new warriors helm, the warriors chainmail and the warriors battle boots. I would like the wand, instead of being a sword or a regular wand, to be a sword and shield called the deadly duo. The new mount is a flying shield! The pet will probably give the spell feint but its equipped with a sharpen spell to make it plus forty and plus eighty. The pet would be a black stallion or the four horseman of the apocalypse and four horses galloping right there with you. There would also be a very hard dungeon so at the end of it you can get a cool prize like 500 gold or a really good treasure card! I myself don't know what the armor will do health wise so I would like you to figure that out or email me back and ask for help. I don't know what the castle on the inside will look but maybe there could be a secret room deep down in the dungeon part of the castle. There would also be a pvp arena in the castle so you and your friends can battle with each other.
Also known as Daniel Firebreaker. Please try and put this bundle in the game I would be grateful
If you made this it at least wouldn't cost like eighty bucks but it might need to be like 39.99 cause it could come with a membership or 5,000 crowns. I mean its a pretty big bundle so. it should be a good idea right?
and plus maybe you could choose the level of gear you want so if you a level 99 and you want level 100 gear you should be able to choose what level and school. cause the dino bundle for me gave me life spells and I am a storm soooo.