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Myth Concept

Feb 13, 2010
Hello KI,

Thanks heaps for the celestia update, I am really enjoying it.

I don't mean to be a wet blanket, but can I ask a few things about myth school.

I hear that many people really like the recent pvp buffs for myth. Please consider though that some people (like me) chose myth because we play solo most of the game. For me that is because I live on the other side of the world to most players.

Please don't hear me wrong. I have heard that you mean to make some of the content soloable in celestia and some that require help (i.e. bosses). And I don't really mind asking people for help in bosses.

The real problem is, due to some changes in the way in which battles work in celestia, Myth in my opinion cannot even hold its ground against normal monsters sometimes.

I would definitely welcome suggestions from other players if my strategy is flawed. The strategy I have used so far (up to and including dragonspyre) was to drag the battle on with a minion and win because I had more effective pip gain than them.

Consider a lvl 50 myth wizard in dragonspyre with a pip chance of 70%. Fighting 2 normal monsters at the end of the first turn, I would have (most of the time) 0 pips left, but I would have a minotaur with me. The other side would have 2 pips.

Next turn however, I would gain on average 2.7 pips while the other side would only gain 2, thus slowly turning the tide. I can of course only count my pip as 1.7 if I use spells within my school, which is why usually I try to defeat one of the enemies before consolidating my position with heals. 2000 hp was enough to do that with roughly 1000 hp monsters in dragonspyre.

The aim then is to defeat one enemy, while having enough health to survive to the next heal and resummoning the minion if necessary.

This breaks down in celestia. I am up to district of stars, and monsters start off with 4 effective pips. I start off with 0 as described above.

But even worse, the shark's effective pip gain is now (I estimate) around 1.5, this means I am losing ground every turn in terms of pips.

Even if I manage to produce (rarely) a situation where my minotaur has full life and 2 tower shields, they have enough power to defeat it (700 hp) in one turn before I have the chance to cast sprite on it.

You might say, hang on, if that happens, you've probably just wasted around 10 pips on the opponent side for your 3 pip minotaur. But Myth wizards would know that losing a minotaur in round 3 to round 5 is much worse than wasting 10 pips for my 3. It means that I don't have (roughly) a tower shield every 2 turns, and a taunt every 2 turns. And now my enemies have 3 pip gain per turn while I only have 1.7. The chances of me defeating one of them before they attack (and subsequently defeat) me is also slim since my hp is only 2500 compared to their 1500.

That is to describe the problem, not to flame. I have a couple of suggestions, I don't think all of these need to be implemented but just to help you consider the possibilities.

1. Myth wizard's natural hp, myth didn't really need that much hp before, because we could share threat with our minions. Cyclops through damage and minotaur through taunt. But now that Minotaur is terribly outdated for PvE, Myth's survivability could improve a little.

2. Minotaur's defenses, The Minotaur's 700 hp is a great return for 3 pips! But the problem is if it goes in 1 turn, I cant really make full use of its abilities. If Minotaur could have natural all defense, it would make the 700 hp more useful. I am not sure if the game engine can do this, but can cards change effects based on the wizard's level? I would do it like this, let it have 5% all defenses when we first aquire it, and let it gain 1% for every 5 levels the wizard gains, and an additional 1% for every 10 levels. So if the first bonus starts at lvl 40, it would have 13% all defense by level 60 (which is not too much, since we cant gear it.)

3. Improving Mintaur's Hp. If Minotaur could be either 3 or 4 cost, with 4 pip cost producing a 900 or maybe 925 hp summon, that would also greatly improve it's survivability. Many times I have had it die in round 4 by about 50 hp.

4. This one is for you to ponder for the next release. Perhaps Minotaur is outdated? I would really appreciate a new minion with one of the future releases.

Yours Sincerely,
John Breeze (Myth)

May 28, 2009
Yea, i think you're right. I am myth and even i am still in DS, i ported to someone in CL and see that a little bug specter like mponster has the health of a boss! So maybe you sure can change it a little. And i think adms will say: You're welcome to thanks us!"