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More Time in Single Wizard Street Fights; Unlimited in Boss Fights

Jan 18, 2016
Hello. Here is a suggestion that I'm not sure if it is possible to add or not given how old the battle system is, but I would like it if the timer was edited in single-player duels. When a wizard is fighting on their own against a boss, they should have unlimited time to strategize and choose their card until another wizard joins in on the fight. In street fights, the time should still be timed but increased to 3 minutes until, again, another wizard joins. This will be helpful to new players, in tough boss fights, and when someone has to AFK during a fight (especially a boss fight) without worrying about losing because they had to AFK.

Note: This suggestion has nothing to do with PvP. The PvP timer should remain as is; this topic is only about single wizard fights in PvE environments.