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Links Houses Together As One

Jan 28, 2012
My idea is fairly simple. At the moment we are able to link houses together using house Teleporters. This is very beneficially to us as individuals. But if you want to open a public game or put your house on the castle tours that Teleporter equals trouble!
Houses that are linked via Teleporters are not considered as one big house. For this reason, the second someone enters a Teleporter while viewing your house via castle tours / participating in a public game in your house - That activity will end for him – In a tag game for example it can end for everyone.
This is not right, so I suggest that we will be able to link a few houses together as one! A very simple interface can achieve that and the result will be wonderful! Imagine a wildfire tag that is spread across 5 houses!

Jun 02, 2010
This is an awesome idea. I was actually hoping someone would come up with a resolution to that teleportation issue with housing. I have a maze house and I would love the maze to extend to other houses, but I cannot use teleporters to extend it without problems on tours.

Jan 28, 2012
Alex Stormlight on Sep 23, 2014 wrote:
This is an awesome idea. I was actually hoping someone would come up with a resolution to that teleportation issue with housing. I have a maze house and I would love the maze to extend to other houses, but I cannot use teleporters to extend it without problems on tours.
Yeah I have the same problem with my house.