Hey, I just thought it would be cool to make a Wizard City library a bit more diverse. One thing to do is to add information and books for Wizards to read about the city or famous wizards in the spiral. Another idea was to add quests for the library, like go through the endless halls and catch an evil guy or something. The last thing was to unlock the library halls for people to wonder through, there could be a wizard game where you have to make it through the library maze.
Anyways, those are my thoughts. Feel free to comment!
Hey, I just thought it would be cool to make a Wizard City library a bit more diverse. One thing to do is to add information and books for Wizards to read about the city or famous wizards in the spiral. Another idea was to add quests for the library, like go through the endless halls and catch an evil guy or something. The last thing was to unlock the library halls for people to wonder through, there could be a wizard game where you have to make it through the library maze.
Anyways, those are my thoughts. Feel free to comment!
Ooh, I would love to see a library dungeon! It would be nice to read a story and such in the library besides the titan one. "Miranda means Wonderful in some language..." Dreamsong
there needs to be actual informational text about places like how krokotopia is like real life Egypt. also add fictional text that players can submit, it has to have original artwork and be short and sweet, also i would like say that we nee to know more about the origins of the spiral and celestia that could be elaborated on by the makers or the "chosen" wizards to write it.
with determination, the wheels of fate drive you to success