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level 58 spells... but more specific

Jun 06, 2009
hello. now you have to list the quest chain as well as all the stats and animation. i can hear the gears turning...

life school: razorpetal
Rank 7
90 accuracy
490 damage to all enemies
animation: a treant emerges. the ground is covered with cherry blossoms. the treant's leaves are replaced by cherry blossoms. he plucks one off of himself and it turns gigantic, and he throws it like a throwing star.
quest chain: Prof. Wu sends you to Oakheart in the garden dojo to get the power words.
O.H.: i had the power words on a scroll... but the blooming woodwalkers took it... please! defeat them and get it back!
defeat a blooming woodwalker.
life, rank 6, 1200 health, spells up to level 33 theurge (no satyr or regenerate or other obscenely good heals, but they have unicorn), cherry-blossom treant
O.H.: what's this? it's not the scroll...
O.H. looks alarmed.
O.H. oh my! it seems the cherry queen, Sakura, has stolen the power words and intends to use them! you must stop her!
Sakura: ha! you are too late... i have summoned a cherry-blossom spirit! it shall serve my will for all eternity... thepower words shall never be yours!
defeat Sakura.
Rank 8 Boss, 4550 health, spells up to level 42 theurge (no satyr or regenerate, etc), unaccompanied, appears as pale maiden, but with a cherry blossom in her hair.
you find half a piece of paper. it looks like it was ripped.
talk to O.H.
O.H.: ohhh... Sakura has summoned a cherry-blossom spirit? and this is half of the power words... she must have given the other half to that spirit!
go to c.b. spirit.
c.b.s.: you... cannot... help... me. i am... bound... to protect... this paper with my... life. you have no... choice... but to defeat me... and send... my... soul to the... netherworld.
defeat c.b.s.
rank 9 boss, 5050 health, spells as Sakura, appears as dryad with cherry blossoms as hair.
c.b.s. thank... you... strange wizard. you have no... idea... the damage to... my soul.
you find half a piece of paper similar to the other one.
talk to O.H.
O.H.: you've done it! take these words to your professor: <insert power words here>.