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It's the little things that count...

Feb 15, 2009
Ok KI I think its great that your giving us big, giant, 8 pip spells and all that do massive damage but I think we also need more smaller spells along with the larger ones. (remember how when you first start it gives you allot of spells through story line quests and its all something small like elemental shield or minor blessing?) The big ones are totally fine but with the upcoming worlds and updates you should reward players with new spells such as these spells. My ideas:

Fire: Fuel the flam (may wanna come up with a better one this one may be overpowered. xD) fuel the flame, clones last overtime put up and puts another one alike. Please DO change this for me.

Ice: mirror shield -40% next incoming damage spell and return 50% to caster (steals are immune.)

Storm: Boon: defend against next incoming negative charm

Life: Cure remove one negative overtime

Death: Infest: -65% next outgoing attack on enemy

Myth:impale-remove all charms and wards from target-does NOTHING else other than this.

Balance: Ancestral blade- +70% next outgoing attack to friendly target