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Increase Scroll of Fortune Reward Points cap?

Aug 24, 2013
Hi all,

I don't know how everyone is travelling with their Scroll of Fortunes (SoF), but I purchased the SoF back when it came out, and I maxed it out in about a month (still had 70 or so days left before it ended). This is mainly from playing many beastmoon games (really addicted to it when it's out)! My suggestion, would it be possible to increase the points reward to higher points, maybe stretch to 4,000 or 5,000 points in the next SoF [Winter Scroll of Fortune?]? I'm on 6,000 points and I don't live and breathe events when they're out, but just a casual weekday player (1 hour or so) and a few more hours on the weekends. Even if the rewards are not item based, but gameplay complementary rewards (100-500 Lunari or 2,000-5,000 gold maybe every 100-200 point intervals). That way, people who can't get into the higher tiers are not missing out on much, but rewards players who purchase the SoF early.

Just a suggestion, feel free to add your thoughts :)