I have an idea for a cool new balance spell! here's my idea: A BALANCE ELF!!!!!!!!!!!! I personally think its a GREAT idea! what are your ideas? 8) 8) :D
I have an idea for a cool new balance spell! here's my idea: A BALANCE ELF!!!!!!!!!!!! I personally think its a GREAT idea! what are your ideas? 8) 8) :D
I think that they need to add a myth, death, life mix like hydra for the fire, storm and ice. I was thinking maybe a man on a pegasus w/medusa's head and they would turn the victim to stone and then he smashes them with cyclopes hammer. Sounds a little harsh but i am sure they could kiddie it down enough to make it acceptable.
what about a spell called jinx it would be a secret quest that you would get from the balance teacher in krokotopia it would be were you would have to summon a sphinx and the after that the teacher would reward you with jinx that spell would put a 40 attack trap on all foes but the draw back would be that it wold put a negative 10 percent attack to all friends for one round