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Idea for Wizard101 Housing Areas

Jun 02, 2010
These are not all necessary exactly housing, but are areas that I had in mind. I was thinking about something. Wouldn't it be cool if players could buy areas in Wizard101, but then be allowed to decorate them and have a private realm from them visit. Lets supposed that if a player wanted to buy the area called "Firecat Alley" then they could also get a private realm of that area for their house for which they could use privately battle with the creatures, decorate that road with furniture items and invite friends if they wanted. I am certainly not saying though that when they buy"Fire cat Alley" that they get reserve the area for themselves, but just that the unlock the area and get it as private place as for which they can duel, decorate and invite friends. So it is kinda of it a way like a house. It is an extra location that they get. I thought that this might be a cool idea, since it might make for much more interesting decorating locations partying, and PvP locations.