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Idea for Subscribers

Feb 27, 2009
We all know that we, being subscribers, should get something better for our payment other than the message boards and getting access to all places (which we lose access to eventually). I was told by KI that when I subcribed, I would GET cool stuff. So, what is this cool stuff I was supposed to get?

My parents payed $60 for my subscription, and I got nothing, I continue to get nothing. Yet these crowns players get everything. They get mounts, cool pets, clothes, holiday items, exclusive items, school houses, and much, much more. We don't get even a mount we can KEEP without paying more money on the game. Yes, it is a game, but to enjoy it, I would like a fair amount of cool stuff like the crowns players get.

So, I came up with a fair idea. How about when someone subscribs, they get enough crowns (not a million dollars worth) to get something like a mount. If you are already a subscriber, you still get it. Not monthly, just once. Just something to say: "We are glad you subscribed to our game and we would like to reward you for your payment." I would like some respect for my subscription. Something to make me happy that I am continuing the game and to make it worth money on. I have NEVER seen a game cheat so much on their subscribers, and I think something should be done about this.

Kestrel Ghostwalker~ lvl 50 Grandmaster Sorcerer

Jul 04, 2009
Why should you get something better than what you are paying for? Do you go to McDonald's and buy a cheeseburger, yet expect to get a double-cheeseburger? No. You get want you pay for. In this case, you (your parents) paid for a 1-year subscription (see, time-limited ... you know you're going to lose access) to play the game and have access to all the worlds.

If these crowns players get everything, that is because they are purchasing with real money for each and every thing they are getting. Are you (or your parents) willing to shell out more money for these extra things you want? Do you think you should get free fries with your cheeseburger because someone else paid for a whole meal?

As far a getting a mount you can KEEP without paying real money, you need to take a better look at the SHOP. At the lower right part of the SHOP screen are 2 tabs: Crowns (always the default) and Gold. Not everything sold in the SHOP is available for Gold, but the mounts are (excluding the wings). You can get a permanent mount starting at 50K gold.

If you want the other crown items, yet your parents are unwilling to pay the extra money, or do so on your behalf (i.e., purchasing crowns on the website with their credit card), all you need to do is to visit one of the stores on the gift card list and buy a gift card yourself. Then redeem it online for crowns.

As far as your last paragraph on how KI should give you something, think on this: your parents paid $60 for your 1-year subscription. Did you know that the regular price is $80? Your parents got to keep $20 of real money and you still got full access to all the worlds in the game for a whole year.

You're are getting exactly what you are paying for.

Jun 03, 2009
I think that those who pay are given things such as codes if they should care to look them up yes these goods ARE FREE hello I said FREE ok so go claim what you can enjoy the game it is what it is a game and yes you do get what you pay for.
I pay for two accounts fyi what make me angry is this new- guess what you can't get in the game you paid for cause its BUSY letting others IN! have fun and good luck if KI continues on this path those who pay and those who don't won't be getting much play time in the game .

Dec 14, 2009

Very well stated Preacher.

When I read this post, I was extremely confused. You pay $60 to ACCESS the game as a member for a WHOLE YEAR. That's $5/mo. Less than the cost of one meal at a fast food joint.

I'm not sure why the original poster thinks that they should get anything more than what they paid for. Their parents paid for access to the game. If they want more than just the standard game, then they need to pay more money for crowns, just like all of the crown players.

To put things in perspective...

I walk into my local electronics shop. I purchase a copy of the latest blockbuster game for my XBOX, PlayStation, Wii, etc. At the check out counter, I pay them $60 for the game. When I walk out the door, I'm not disappointed that they didn't give me more free stuff when I purchased the game. On the contrary, I know that I must go renew my yearly subscription to my game console's online gaming service in order to play with my friends.

I pay to get into Disney World. I can now go on all of the rides for a whole day. When I walk out of the gate, I'm content with the experience I paid for. I don't expect them to hand me a free stuffed animal on the way out.

Hmm... Think about it.

Things cost money in this world. And I, for one, think that the Wizard101 experience is a GREAT VALUE! Thank you KI, for providing such an awesome experience at such a great price!

Steven SkullHammer - Level 50 (Grandmaster Thaumaturge)
Steven SkullHammer - Level 33 (Magus Sorcerer)
Steven SkullHammer - Level 25 (Adept Theurgist)
Steven SkullHammer - Level 15 (Initiate Necromancer)
Steven SkullHammer - Level 13 (Initiate Diviner)
Steven SkullHammer - Level 13 (Initiate Pyromancer)

A+ Student
Jan 05, 2009
I tend to add another catagory or two...lets see, we have

Cheapest.......................................................... Free Play
Cheap ............................................................... Crown Buyers
Average .......................................................... Yearly subs at $60
Above avg ...................................................... Monthly subs at $10/month
Totally Adiccted to the game............... Yearly Sub at $60 plus buys Crowns