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I was wrong about the warehouse....

Jun 19, 2009
Ok so maybe i was wrong about the warehouse. I actually beat it and it seemed pretty easy. We had a life a Myth and a storm. I am death so death also. Some people are saying it was way to hard (ok yes i was one of them ) But all you need are the right kinda of schools. Also i did this in the real realm. So I do have a question about this. Not that it matters to me anymore but they said they would take the warehouse away yet I still had to do it? I think what KI meant by no more warehouse was that they were lowering the toughness down. Like the cheating in stuff. So all of you lazy people that keep saying it's so hard well at least plan out what you're gonna do next time.

No one get mad at me plz cause this is only my opinion. If you agree with me on my opinion that you you can post. If you disagree you can also post why you disagree.

James Skull Weilder
Level 49 WOOT

Jan 08, 2010
you are completely right. seriously people the best combination of schools for a character would be ice for primary and storm for secondary. ice for its unaminous amount of health, shielding, and attacking. storm for its destructive power and since you have that attacking in every school you get a boost for storm too. and as for having friends with you two lifes and a grand fir same with the life. well then again you have to be grand to do warehouse. lol. hope that helps.

May 22, 2009
I am one that is against the warehouse even though i finished it. Does that make me lazy? I think not.

I started a thread in regards to making bosses challenging without the cheating, buy using all the spells within a class. When have you ever seen a balance boss use spectral blast or hydra? How about a fire boss using the fire global and stealing a blade? Have you ever seen a Myth boss use Time of Legend, Pierce, or stun? I never have. These are only small examples of how bosses can be challenging without using one pip scarecrows or one pip storm lords.

The only person that answered that thread made a very valid point. If you make it too hard to get into next world, not that many people will be there. Then where will that perfect set of wizards be to help you at that time?

That was my concern in regards to that tower. Nobody should have to rely on a group of people they may or may not know to continue their journey into the spiral. Some people, for various reason do not have a large amount of friends or they can only play late at night when there are less people on.

KI did not eliminate the warehouse, they only made it OPTIONAL so if you want a challenge you can climb to the top of the warehouse to your heart's content. Just do not assume others are lazy because they do not have the desire to get half way through the tower only to have someone say, "I'm sorry, i got to go." Or they get to first boss and someone, decides they want to hit boss without killing minions even when their team tells them why they shouldn't hit the boss. These are all problems i have seen in that tower, and i am very glad KI decided to make it optional

Hannah Lifebringer Level 50 Life

Jun 07, 2010
superluther wrote:
I am one that is against the warehouse even though i finished it. Does that make me lazy? I think not.

I started a thread in regards to making bosses challenging without the cheating, buy using all the spells within a class. When have you ever seen a balance boss use spectral blast or hydra? How about a fire boss using the fire global and stealing a blade? Have you ever seen a Myth boss use Time of Legend, Pierce, or stun? I never have. These are only small examples of how bosses can be challenging without using one pip scarecrows or one pip storm lords.

The only person that answered that thread made a very valid point. If you make it too hard to get into next world, not that many people will be there. Then where will that perfect set of wizards be to help you at that time?

That was my concern in regards to that tower. Nobody should have to rely on a group of people they may or may not know to continue their journey into the spiral. Some people, for various reason do not have a large amount of friends or they can only play late at night when there are less people on.

KI did not eliminate the warehouse, they only made it OPTIONAL so if you want a challenge you can climb to the top of the warehouse to your heart's content. Just do not assume others are lazy because they do not have the desire to get half way through the tower only to have someone say, "I'm sorry, i got to go." Or they get to first boss and someone, decides they want to hit boss without killing minions even when their team tells them why they shouldn't hit the boss. These are all problems i have seen in that tower, and i am very glad KI decided to make it optional

Hannah Lifebringer Level 50 Life

I enjoyed reading this post :D Thank you

You made a valid point. This game should not be designed that the only way you can advance in it is depending on others to help you. The option should be there if situations start to get grim on you. But IMO a successful game allows players to get threw most of it at a pretty good rate soloing if they want to.

W101 is not a Player vs Player game, when it has to be mandatory to depend on others to help you. It is a Player vs environment game. When solo players can go and do there thing and still have fun doing it, with the option of grouping with someone.