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Housing and other ideas

Feb 08, 2009
Sup everyone i have a few ideas that i think are good. But what are your opinions?

Ok the one i came up with for housing is that in every spiral door there is an option to go to your home. like when you go to the door and it say wizard city and krokotopia there should be another option that says home and it takes you to your house. i know there is an instant telleport button near the compass but sometimes i cant push because i went to the commons or something.

Also since i don't have a membership for pirate101 i can't post there. i don't have my membership because it got frustrating having to sail from here to there and just sitting in a wind current for a couple minutes to get to a different area. I personally think like other open worldish games there should be fast travel places or marks or whatever. Thank you and good night