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Grouping Function!

Apr 06, 2010
Has a dungeon ever been to hard to solo for you? Well finally I am suggesting (Probably another Grouping suggestion)!
Everything below is a suggestion.

How it Would Work
When a player presses the appropriate hotkey, (Let's use 'O' as an example). Pressing O opens the 'Adventure Panel' where users can either join an existing group or create their own. Players could put a message in their group stating 'Running Malistare's dungeon!' and other players would request to join the group and the leader of the group can either accept/deny their request. The leader can set the minimum level and the maximum level of the wizard who may request to join.
Pros Of a Grouping Function
*You can finally group and do a difficult dungeon with other wizards, that would be to hard to solo alone.
*You can make friends while questing! (Honestly, I've made a few friends from random questing).
*Easier to group! No more running around a server begging for help.
Cons Of a Grouping Function
*Some Wizards may be too mean and not accept you even though you are willing to help.
*The function could be too confusing for younger Wizards operate.
(Can't think of anymore - Care to share!)

Thanks for reading this post. I do not mind suggestions and/or comments. :D
The grouping function is based off of many MMO's out there.