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Get rid of school only pets

Aug 31, 2012
Making pets school only was a horrible idea. All it does is add unnecessary inconvenience for pet making. I have a death wizard that I make all of my pets on for a fire wizard that is currently questing. I had already known that I shouldn't hatch with the Raging Bull pet because it's fire school only while looking through the kiosk. I saw some pets that I could hatch with which weren't Raging Bulls, tried those, and of course they weren't available, which is another terrible limit to the kiosk, the 1 hour cool down of kiosk pets. I just don't understand, why? It just seems like it's designed to make things more inconvenient for the player. So after looking through every pet, I found none that had the stats, weren't a raging bull, and were still available. I decide fine, I'll take the gamble and hatch with a raging bull pet that has the stats I want because it was my only option. I didn't have the time to wait, so I hatched my armament with the raging bull and got back the bull. Now I can't train it on my death. If I wanted to do it on my fire, I'd have to do it on one with no energy gear + low level which has 1/3 to 1/2 the energy compared to my main wizard for pet making, and even with that I still have to wait for the energy to refill after transferring the pet and transfer over my snacks as well. Making pets school only does nothing but create a massive inconvenience for the user TRAINING the pet and not using it, and if I wanted to, for some reason, use that pet only available for the fire school on my death for actually gameplay rather than training, why shouldn't I be able to? All that school only pets do is slow down pet progression and limit the user for no reason.