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Game Completion Badge Idea

Jul 18, 2016
So recently, I saw one of my friends in the Spiral (Jack RoseRider, Balance Wizard) who is doing a pretty difficult in game challenge, which is completing every single quest in the game. This means all main and side quests will be done by the time Jack RoseRider's adventure is done in the Spiral. This got me thinking, there should really be an exclusive in game badge for people like Jack who took the time and effort to do every single quest offered in the Spiral. I think we can all agree that Wizard101 is a very, very long game in its own right without side quests taking up your time. With side quests included in the game, Wiz would take months to beat so as such, people who spent the time, the energy, and the effort to 100% the game should be equally rewarded with an exclusive in game badge that's only available if again, you took the time and effort to do every single quest in the game. This will not only encourage more people to do their side quests and level up more for the upper level worlds, but it would also reward the small percentage of people like our friend Jack who did every quest in the game. I can even throw some 100% Game Completion Badge Name ideas below if this idea is taken into consideration.

100% Game Completion Badge Name Ideas:

1. Wizard101 Completionist

2. Wizard101 Game Finisher

3. 101% Done!!! (I kind of like this one)

4. Wizard101 Quest Tester (Because you "tested" every single quest in the game and therefore completed them)

5. Best of the Quest (It Rhymes)

6. Wizard101 Endgamer

-Those are just some ideas I'm throwing out, hopefully a game completion badge is taken into consideration to reward people who do every quest in the game. Cheers and have a blessed 2021 Kingsisle Staff and Wizards of the Spiral!!!!!!!


Blaze DreamBlade (Master of Myth and Monsters)
Blaze StormSword (Master of Storm and Lightning)
Blaze StarBlade (Master of Life and Nature)
Blaze MoonCloud (Master of Fire and Burning)
Blaze CrowWraith (Master of Death and the Dark Arts)