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Female Commanders Robe

Nov 23, 2012
Hey, with the removal of the current pvp gear I have a suggestion. Male wizards have easy access to the coat of invincibility through the look alike prestigious robe, no pvp needed. However for female wizards we have no option like that. I know the guardian robe/archangel robe exists but it doesn't look like the coat of invincibility at all. I'm also sick of boy wizards telling me to get the prestigious robe when it doesn't look like the coat of invincibility on girls.

I personally do not enjoy pvp at all and have struggled with it very much. I've wanted the coat of invincibility since I was a kid, about 10 years now. But I've never been able to hit commander to get it. So with the upcoming removal of it, I'm starting to realize it's way too late and I'll never get my childhood dream item. Will you guys ever consider making a look alike robe (FOR FEMALES TOO) of the coat of invincibility or at least make a way of obtaining these old pvp items without pvp rank? It would be great for people like me who missed out on that opportunity and also for new players coming in that are now completely unable to obtain this item. Thank you