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Family Account (moving characters)

Jun 11, 2009
I'm sure someone has thought of this but I'm posting anyway.
I have a family account plan. A master account and two other accounts.
I would like the freedom to have my son's character be able to move from
my account into my daughter's account.
Can this be possible?

Reason: Some days I would like to help my son on his quests but we can't since we have characters on the same login.

Please tell me why this could or could not be possible.

Thanks in advance for chiming in!

Helixx Hanover Harpell of the Longsaddle Harpells

Professor Greyrose wrote this thread about the subject, which is stickied at the top of the Halston's Laboratory section:

Courtesy character transfer requests have been terminated due to a number of compromised account security issues.

However, if both accounts (the from & to) are linked in a Family of Accounts, pass our security checks and are subscribed for a 1 year term, we will transfer the characters for you.

If your situation meet these conditions, send an email to support@wizard101.com and let Mr Lincoln know the Source Account, the Destination Account, and the name of the character(s) to be transferred and he will look into the transfer for you.

All of Mr Lincoln's decisions are final when it comes to character transfer requests.

If you want the prize, you have to build the ladder rung by rung. There are no shortcuts.