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Custom Gear Sets!

Oct 23, 2011
Hi! I think we should be able to make our own custom gear sets and display them to be rated, kind of like Castle Tours. A set includes a Hat, Robe, Boots, and Wand. You could also name your gear sets! You can only use words allowed by text chat, though. The top sets would even be for sale! Purchased sets wouldn't give any stats, but they could be stitched! For Example, the gear set I use and would put on display is:

Attire of the Assassin

Hat: Cowl of the Sentinel

Robe: Prestigious Robe
Boots: Prestigious Boots
Wand: Silver Lance of Daybreak

So if it was top rated, you would be able to purchase the entire set (without stats). Price varies based off the rarity of the items, and this set, since it's composed of crowns clothes, would be around 50,000 gold or 2,500 crowns. (Sets without crowns clothes will be significantly cheaper)You would also get a 1% profit from all purchases of your set (Meaning if it cost 50,000 gold or 2,500 Crowns, you'd get 500 gold for every purchase someone made with gold, or 25 crowns for every purchase someone made with crowns).

What do you guys think of this idea? Would you like to see it in-game? What would your gear sets be? Tell me what you think!

-Nathaniel Ogreblade, Knight of the Silver Rose