I would like to give you idea's for all of the crowns player's like me. There would be THREE tiers for rewards. Each "tier" would be for a "page of worlds" on the spiral door. Three tiers all together.
Tier one (page one of worlds): a "crowns color" which is the greenish dye, that you put on your crowns.
Tier 2(Second page of worlds): there would be four more colors that you could access to dye your clothes.
Tier 3 ( third page) there would be a Physical crown that you would hover over your characters hand ( kind of like the book wand) That would have no stats on it, and be painted the green crowns color. the wand would be 2500 crowns and would ONLY be accessible to people that have bought all the worlds: "crowns players"
I to am a crowns player and I would like it if once you buy a world you get all the sub worlds inside of it (example: if I buy krokotopia I get chamber of fire krokosphinx etc) and maybe add a week long access to pet derbies and pvp battles.