Hi, I'm not sure if this is the correct place, but I really dislike the new crown shop makeover. It seems ugly and technical to me, and I don't like shopping in it. Can't you make the new look an option with a tab? Or make the old look a tab? I noticed there were tabs offering other looks for varied browsing . . . it would be nice to have the choice . . . thank you.
Hi, I'm not sure if this is the correct place, but I really dislike the new crown shop makeover. It seems ugly and technical to me, and I don't like shopping in it. Can't you make the new look an option with a tab? Or make the old look a tab? I noticed there were tabs offering other looks for varied browsing . . . it would be nice to have the choice . . . thank you.
Is there any way you could be more specific about what it is you dislike and why?
We appreciate feedback about the update, but it needs to be a little more detailed if possible. Thanks.
Is there any way you could be more specific about what it is you dislike and why?
We appreciate feedback about the update, but it needs to be a little more detailed if possible. Thanks.
Hi, thanks for the reply. Well, I can say that I do see why some people like it. I do feel it's very technical and a lot of information can be gained quickly. I am sure it's convenient. I am just not a card trader/stat loving kind of player. It just looks bad to me. I know that is not really helpful, sorry. What can I say? I like to decorate my 16?houses. I can't remember how many. A lot. Pets are cute. Furniture is great. I like pretty things. Armor, weapons, cards? Only if it is a super cute outfit, or I'm not interested. That baconator? outfit is awesome. So cute. I love it.
I guess I would describe it as noisy? There is too much going on for me, on my screen, in the shop with the revamp. I am not sure how to explain it really. It's a shopping thing. I want to see pretty shelves and now it looks like a bargain bin? Some people see it and say look at all this great stuff! I see it and say this is too busy for me, I need to get out of here. What else can I say? I went into the shop to buy packs and I just felt overwhelmed.
I went on Google and pulled up screen shots of the crown shop before and after. They do look a lot alike. I admit it. I myself am confused. Maybe it was the hover feature? My mouse clicker kept bringing up stats? It was easier to bring up stats of many items more quickly? But then my screen was always filled with crap I didn't want to see and blocking the picture of the items I was looking at. Again, it is useful for that kind of player, I'm sure they love it, as apparent from the comments above. I'm not that kind of player though. I like buying stuff because it looks nice, not because it's useful . . . I don't know. The pictures seemed really small to me. Did the display window shrink? It's like I had a hard time seeing anything. I like browsing and everything seemed hard to look at? I guess if I was looking for something specific and knew what it was, it would be useful.
Hard to describe; I tried my best, sorry it is not more useful.